. Campbell and Kennedy - Don't Be Conned - Exposing Rip Off Companies | Rip off Scams | Bad Business

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Campbell and Kennedy - Don't Be Conned

Campbell and Kennedy is a satellite company based in Clydebank, Glasgow and they have received a number of complaints over the years for a range of issues with the company.

C&K as they are also known are sub-contracted by Sky to install their dishes on flats which are higher that 3 stories. This company will charge for going onto the roof to install the dish but will not tell you this when you pay them the call out charge over the phone. Campbell and Kennedy is the worst Company i have ever had the unfortunate experience of having to deal with. They fail to advise people what they will be charged for, they then increase charges and have even out right lied about what will and will not be charged for. Campbell and Kennedy also hold data on people without have a data protection licence but this seems to have passed the authorities by but i have made them aware of it. When they do lie and steal it would seem like it would make sense to ask for a copy of the recorded call but they will take more money than the Information Commissioner says is legally correct.

If you are based in Glasgow and live in a tenement flat then you are likely to be forced into using this company if you want Sky installed. These are some of the step you can use to protected yourself from these rogues if you must use them.

  • Make sure you know what you are paying for, calls are recorded and so if lied to then you can demand calls are sent to you although they will charge £10 for even piece of data which is illegal.
  • Inspect the work when it is completed and never have anyone else touch it as they will claim it wasn't their fault if someone damages something.
  • Only pay when you have an agreement in place

1 comment:

  1. Hi I have also had money stolen by this company from me. What authorites have you passed thier details on to? I have proof that the directors have forged contacts.
