. Northumbria Police To Continue Crack Down On Rogue Traders - Exposing Rip Off Companies | Rip off Scams | Bad Business

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Northumbria Police To Continue Crack Down On Rogue Traders

Northumbria Police have been cracking down on bogus callers and rogue traders over the past 4 week and it now seems that it will continue in a day to day capacity. 
The campaign named “If in doubt - keep them out” saw a total of 6,000 leaflets distributed in the streets by a number of volunteers who have aimed to make life easier for the vulnerable who have been targeted by these rogues. 
Chief Inspector Bob Ryan said: “Throughout the campaign we set out to get our messages across to as many people as possible, working with organisations who deal with the elderly and vulnerable to help us spread the word.
“The initiative may have ended, but our message remains the same - never hand money over to someone who cold-calls at your home and never let them inside.
“Anyone calling from an official organisation will happily wait or come back while you check their identification.”
Chief Insp Ryan added: “Look out for your relatives and neighbours and if you do see any suspicious vehicles or people in your neighbourhood you should report this to police as soon as possible.
“Every incident involving a bogus caller, illegal trader or fraudulent work that is reported to police is investigated immediately. These types of reports are treated as a priority, especially those involving an elderly or vulnerable victim.”
Anyone concerned they’ve been the victim of a bogus caller or are faced with a dubious tradesman, is asked to call police on 03456 043043 or in an emergency dial 999


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